There are some You Tube videos that describe our products and show some installations.   

 On your browser, click on: "You Tube Paradan Radio".  A few informative videos are listed:

      1.  "Paradan Radio Manufacturers Showcase". This is a description of most of our products on DX Engineering's program. 

      2.  "Paradan Radio Dayton Hamvention."  Antenna Disconnects, Power Strips, Mobile Lithium Battery Charger, and Headsets with Foot switch are discussed. 

       3.  "Paradan Radio Car Charger for LiFePo4 Batteries, Orlando Hamfest"

       4.  "Bioenno Batteries New Mobile Charger.

       5.  "You Tube Ham Radio".  This discusses Bioenno Batteries, Solar Cells, and the Mobile Lithium Battery Charger.

       6.  "How to Remote Your Shack".  This describes setting up a remote station and includes the installation of an Antenna Disconnector.